Sustainnovation Challenge

Unlocking our potential

Our Innovation Future Is Our Next Gens

Business, industry and government have an important role in supporting our educators to help our young people, our next-gens, realise their potential as drivers of innovation in our economy and communities into the future.

The Sustainnovation Challenge program makes it easy for communities, governments and businesses to collaborate and activate important relationships with their local education ecosystem.

As a collective force, we can create immersive, unique learning experience’s for students to connect with and have agency in their place unleashing their inner innovators and activating great ideas for their and our future. 


Young people are not involved or disengaged in the discussions led by local government to plan and build the places they will want to live, work and grow in the future.

Our success moving forward is connected with industry and government’s ability to connect with and support teachers to engage, inspire and develop our future generations of innovators and leaders. At this point in time it is not happening.

Industry and government’s ability to engage, inspire and develop our future generations who will become the innovators and leaders of our industries is paramount for success and growth moving forward, which we are not doing well enough.

WHAT WE'RE DOING - The Sustainnovation Challenge

Bringing people together from all walks of life to share, learn, collaborate, innovate and grow. We search for clarity in the problems and challenges people and communities face in our towns, regions and cities. With our next-gens we apply innovation to these challenges as a community and deliver a solution. As a result, our connected, inclusive, problem-solving communities prosper; socially, economically and environmentally.


Developing People

Students learn how technology and innovation can be applied to all aspects of society.

Building Local Networks

Students, government, business and industry come together to learn, explore, share, and innovate.

Economic Growth

Students are inspired to innovate and contribute to the growth of business and community in their local areas.



All Sustainnovation Challenge stakeholders, local businesses, industry, government, educators and students will see benefits from their involvement in a challenge.

Our next-gens have agency to dream up and activate the ideas to transform their future. They appreciate their connection with place and are inspired to drive its success, for everyone.

A mutual and respectful partnership between education, business, industry and government that delivers a unique learning experience and voice for students in their and their community’s future.

Students have gained a greater appreciation and understanding of the businesses and industries in their area. They’re connected, and they want to help.

We are growing an active, community-minded, innovative talent pipeline wanting to engage with local industry and contribute ideas to support the development and growth of their local economy and community into the future.

Learn More

Visit the Sustainnovation Challenge website to view our latest projects and learn more about the program. Connect with us directly if you are ready to champion Next Gen Innovation in your area.