Transformation Factory

Newconomy StepChange

Systems Thinking for an Integrated Workforce – Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Data and Industry 5.0

“We are today at the beginning of a Fourth Industrial Revolution” (c2016).

As organisations continue to prepare for and/or utilise data and technology advancement, many have reflected on the importance and benefits from an inclusive, human-centred and sustainable future – enter Industry 5.0. The following become increasingly important and potent:


Through a quality improvement, data analytics and customer-centric lens, the Newconomy Step-Change seminar-and-workshop series will develop employees’ and the organisation’s abilities to:

Participants, and those they supervise or otherwise engage with in the workplace, will become process-focussed systems thinkers, able to:

Employees each have their own set of specific skills – this series is about harnessing, leveraging and elevating the individual and collective organisational skillset to improve systems and organisational outcomes.

The series develops employees’ analytical, management and leadership prowess and advances their T-shaped skillset and ability to operate across traditional boundaries and truly leverage cross-disciplinary expertise and collaborate!

Newconomy StepChange Benefits

Your Organisation and People BENEFITS

Enter into the Newconomy, embrace technology as an enabler of growth and productivity.

Upskilling employees to understand and best tap into systems, processes and data that ensures increased levels of staff and customer satisfaction.

Enable the workforce to operate across the interface of their traditional educational boundaries and develop and capitalise on systematic, innovative and collaborative problem-solving.

Ensure HR and organisational managers are embedding an environment to leverage the existing and emerging STEM workforces.

A holistic Total Quality and Systems Thinking mindset, measurement and management approach becomes pivotal.

Newconomy StepChange Training

We offer bite-size to banquet options for Newconomy StepChange Training and Workshops – complemented with organisational assessments and/or tailored consulting support where desired.

The following provides options depending on the organisation’s preferences.

Meet Your Newconomy STEPChange Facilitator

Dr Peter Howley

Leader, creator and presenter of Total Quality Management, Systems Thinking, Statistics for Business, Data Analytics, Data Science and related University undergraduate and postgraduate MBA and other Masters programs and courses, and seminar training for organisations, since 1998.



Make the connection – let’s see how we may collaborate.. Schedule a 30 minute chat with us now or send us a message.